Monitoring & Incident Management Solution

Monitoring & Incident Management Solution

Monitoring systems gather and log a wide range of performance data on a diverse range of targets — from applications to user experience, networks, servers, and more. Usually, monitoring is conducted under runtime conditions, but synthetic monitoring can also be used to simulate loads and test the resilience of web services, for example.

Incident management systems use monitoring system outputs (and other relevant inputs) in order to quickly detect, prioritize, diagnose, and resolve performance issues that are disrupting normal service operation. The monitoring system output may be the log data itself, an event-triggered alert indicating that a performance threshold has been breached, or both.

Closely coupling monitoring and incident management systems creates a synergy that is far more powerful than either process alone. This blog post explores how monitoring and incident management systems complement each other to achieve proactive, realtime incident responses that accelerate business outcomes.

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